Junior Infants Homework Video

Dear parents/guardians,

We have prepared a little video to support families with homework.

We hope you will find it useful.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need further help.


Click on the link below




Junior Infants Homework 12th-15th October

Junior Infants Homework: Monday October 12th – Thursday October 15th


  • Reading folder: Read “This is Daddy” reading sheet every evening with your child.
  • Written work: Planet Maths pages 1-4: complete one page of Maths a night with your child. The allocated page is dated at the front of the book. Please sign when completed.
  • Sounds book: New Sounds this week c k e. Go back over s a t i p n point to the letter and ask your child to say the sound and do the action. (In the reading folder there is a worksheet explaining each sound and action.)
  • New words: “boy” “a” “daddy’’ “I” “like” ‘‘cat’’: help your child to learn these words.
  • Numbers: point to each number and ask your child to say what the number is.


  • Please watch the video explaining the homework in detail on the school website. www.stjosephsinfants.ie
  • Written work will be from different copies and workbooks every week.
  • Homework will be collected every Friday morning so please make sure the homework is in the bag on Thursday night.


Jolly Phonics

Learning to Read and Write with Jolly Phonics

Starting early in Junior Infants, the children  start to learn new sounds.   We teach “letters” by the sounds they make rather than their letter names,
e.g.:  the letter “s”   is pronounced  “sssssssssssss”  rather than  “esss”

Using this sounds or phonemes approach to reading, gives children the tools to figure out new words by blending their sounds together. Research shows that this improves the children’s confidence and fluency in reading and writing.
This page has some resources and tools that you can use at home to support your child as they develop their early reading and writing skills.
Learning New Sounds in School:
We use a variety of techniques in school to learn and use our new sounds.  Many of these activities can and should be used at home as often as possible:

  • We use our sound books to say our sounds
  • We sing the Jolly Phonics songs.
  • We have a special action for each sound.
  • We practice building words using our letter cards.
  • We  look for pictures and words that start with our sounds.
  • We look for our sounds all around the classroom.  In our books, in the library, on posters, on the whiteboard and when the teacher is writing.
  • We practice writing our sounds using lots of different tools.

Singing Jolly Phonics Songs and Rhymes:
Practice Jolly Phonics at home with your child using the Jolly Songs and the actions that go with them.  Your child should be able to show you the actions for the sounds.  Keep checking your child’s sound book and sound keyring  for the sounds that have been learned in class and any new sounds that have been covered, and then sing the songs at home.



Since your child was born you have been teaching him or her to communicate. By speaking and listening to your child, by talking and reading to him or her, by pointing out words and notices at home or out and about, you have introduced your child to the world of language – spoken and written. Through playing with your child, he or she learns new words, and learns to think and to talk about his or her thoughts and feelings. For example, pretending to be a nurse or a shopkeeper, scribbling on re-cycled paper, or looking at and talking about picture books, all help your child to speak, to listen, to read and to write. Even when your child starts school, you continue to have a key role in helping him or her.

Here are some tips on how you can do this:

  • Listen to your child. Nod or smile to show you are interested. Try not to interrupt while your child is speaking.
  • Encourage your child to talk and tell you about things: friends, toys and hobbies orwhat he or she has been doing in school.
  • Enjoy listening to and speaking to your child. Try: listening to and singing songs or reading and saying nursery rhymes.
  • Play games: I spy with my little eye something beginning with the sound ‘ch’/that rhymes with ‘more’.
  • Make a book with your child using words and pictures: My Family or My Favourite Things.Use photographs, old birthday cards or cut-outs from magazines.
  • Enjoy books together. Draw attention to: holding the book the right way up, turning the pages, moving your finger from left to right, making connections between pictures and words.
    Ask questions: What …? When …?
    Why …? What if …?
  • Set up pretend play themes at home: an office (old phone, paper and something to
    write with) or a shop (food items, dress-up clothes, shoes, pretend cash register, pencil, paper).
  • Enjoy cutting, gluing and sticking with your child.
  • Help your child to: make marks, trace, and copy patterns, colour, draw or even
    try their own writing. Use pencils, crayons, chalk or markers.
  • Try forming letters with play dough or in sand. Make a to-do list, thank you cards or a sign for his or her bedroom.
  • Draw your child’s attention to pictures, signs, letters and words when out and about:
    ‘No dogs allowed’ (in the park) or, ‘Baggage collection’ (in the airport).
  • Visit the library. Choose, look at and talk about books together.
  • Let your child see you reading magazines or books and writing letters, e-mails or a shopping list.