Junior Infants Homework: Monday January 11th – Thursday January 14th
Homework video link:
This week’s sound video link:
‘ee’ and ‘or’ double sound- Jolly Phonics explanation
Links to Videos by Junior Infant Teachers at St. Josephs Infant School explaining double sounds
When Two Vowels go Walking and ‘ai’ double sound- Jolly Phonics Explanation
‘oa’ double sound- Jolly Phonics explanation.
‘ie’ double sound- Jolly Phonics explanation.
‘ee’ and ‘or’ double sound- Jolly Phonics explanation
Reading folder: Read “I can see my…” reading sheet every evening with your child.
- Library books: your child will get one library book a week. Read the book with your child every night.
- Written work: Pattern copy: complete one page of writing a night with your child. The allocated page is dated at the front of the workbook. Please sign when completed. Pages 11, 12, 13, 14.
- Sounds book: new sounds this week “ee” and “or”. Point to the letter s a t i p n c k e h r m d g o u l f b ai j oa ie and ask your child to say the sound and do the action. (In the reading folder there is a worksheet explaining each sound and action.)
- Jolly phonics folder: complete ee or Write the letters and colour the pictures.
- Nursery rhymes folder: help your child to recite the poem “Rain Rain” and colour the picture.
- New words: “can” “see” “my”: help your child to learn these words. Keep revising all other words.
- Numbers: point to each number and ask your child to say what the number is.