

Check the essential information about your child’s time in our school



View the staff, teacher and everybody else looking after the pupils

The following policies were reviewed at our Board of Management meeting on February 13th 2024…… Child Safeguarding Statement & Risk Assessment, Annual checklist reviews of  Child Safeguarding & Anti Bullying policies, Code of Behaviour, SPHE & RSE plans and our Health & Safety policy

Message from the Principal

Welcome to St. Joseph’s Primary School in the lovely town of Charleville. We are very proud of our school with its warm and caring environment where every child’s individuality and talents are cherished and nurtured.

We appreciate and acknowledge the valuable active part parents play in the life of our school. We welcome your ongoing co-operation and support.

A special mention and thank you to all staff members and many others for their hard work and commitment which contribute to a successful school.

We invite you to explore our website and see some of the magic moments that go on in our school.

Enjoy your visit!

Brian Fitzgerald, Principal

Mission Statement

The School recognises the central role of the family as the Primary Educator of the child.  The School also accepts and supports the constitutional right and duty of the parents to provide for the Religious, Moral, Intellectual, Physical and Social Education of their children.

The School aims to provide the best possible environment to cater for the Cultural, Educational, Moral, Physical, Religious, Social, linguistic and Spiritual values and traditions of all its children with the resources available to us. The focus of the School Philosophy is the Education of the whole child to reach his/her full potential.  We show special concern for the disadvantaged, respecting the dignity and uniqueness of each child.  Our School upholds the values and principles of a Mercy Education in the Catholic tradition.  Working together as a School community, the Board of Management, Principal, Staff, Parents and Pupils will strive to provide an environment, which will allow all students to develop to their maximum potential and fulfil their role in society

Mol an Óige agus tiocfaidh sí.

Number of Classes
Number of Pupils

School Life