April Homework

Happy Easter Boys and Girls, We hope you are all safe and well at home. Below you will find some class work for the coming weeks if you would like to complete. Our staff are available to offer support/guidance with these tasks via the email addresses below. Books such as Planet Maths and Sounds Make…

We are here to help 29-03-2020

29/3/2020 Dear parents/guardians, We hope all of our pupils and their families are keeping safe & well in these difficult times. On our website (www.stjosephsinfants.ie) you can access some more homework activities for Senior Infant & 1st Class pupils to do over the next few weeks if you wish. Work will be uploaded here in…

School Closure

Dear parents, Following the announcement by the Department of Education, the school will be closed until April 19th. We are in the process of updating work for your child to do for the coming weeks. Here are some Educational apps and websites that you might like to access over the coming weeks.   Khan Academy.org…