7th Green Flag

A huge congratulation to Miss Murphy and our Green School’s Committee on receiving our school’s 7th green flag for “Global Citizenship and Energy.” A huge amount of work was put in this year to receive the flag so we are delighted all the work paid off. Well done everyone!!  

School Tours June 2022

School Tours Update….We are delighted that school tours will go ahead this year. Please see details below: Thursday 9th June-1st Class -“Let’s Go” Delta Sports Dome, Limerick €30 per pupil…..   Monday 13th June-Junior & Senior Infants The Rectory Croom €25 per pupil…   Parents can pay in €5/€10 instalments per week if they prefer..

Supervalu Tokens

Dear parents, We are collecting BEE-AUTIFUL Garden tokens from SuperValu. If you shop in SuperValu please ask for tokens for our school. There are amazing garden prizes for the lucky schools who get picked randomly after completing the poster. Many thanks Mr Fitzgerald