Climate Action Week

This week is Climate Action Week. At St. Joseph’s Infant School we are making a special effort to save our planet. We are proud to be a ‘Green School’ and for the next two years we will be working on the ‘Global Citizenship Marine Environment Theme’ and we want to continue to protect the planet…

Homework 12/10/20 – 16/10/20

  Junior Infants Homework 12th-15th October Junior Infants Homework 12th-15th October (1) in Portuguese Junior Infant homework in polish   senior infant homework 12th october – 16th october 2020 senior infant homework 12th october – 16th october 2020 in Portuguese senior infant homework 12th october – 16th october 2020 in Polish   1st Class Homework…

1st Class Homework

  1st Class Homework: Week beginning October 5th 1st Class homework for the week will be sent home every Monday in a folder. Please complete the homework during the week and return the folder with ALL completed homework every Thursday ONLY. Library books will be changed ONCE per week because of quarantining issues at the…

Senior Infants Homework

Senior Infant Homework   Written homework ( eg Homework copy and workbooks etc) will be collected each morning – teachers will correct these after 72 hours quarantine. Reading folder and class reader can be kept at home and brought in every Friday. Library books can be kept in the homework bag in their school bags.…

Junior Infant Homework Video

Dear parents/guardians, We have prepared a little video to support families with homework. We hope you will find it useful. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need further help.   Click on the video link below   Please watch the video explaining the homework in detail on the school website.…

Welcome Back To School

A special welcome back to all our pupils and parents for the 2020/2021 school year. Welcome also to all our new pupils and their families. It is great to be back after such a long closure. Sincere thanks to all the parents and pupils for their cooperation with our Covid-19 safety measures which help to…